Monday, June 26, 2006

I've got a big washer Full of soap here....Oh Yes!

My first day back to work was okay. It was rather quiet at one point but eventually the bottle returns changed all of that, and by the time it was over my ankle was hurting and swollen to the size of a baseball. Speaking of work, do you remember this post, about the "Incident" involving my work shirt and an unknown bird bomber. Well I went to the Laundromat on my vacation and washed my work shirt.


Apparently my subconscious lulled me into really getting that sucker cleaned. I mean Clean! I was under the impression that I put just enough detergent in the washer, but I put a little too much....

Somewhere in there lies my shirt...I think! I guess I REALLY needed to get rid of the bird cooties! During my vacation I did a number of things. My birthday which happened to fall on Father's Day, also happened to be during my vacation. What did I do, I went and got a new MP3 Player. It sounds excellent, and it can hold up to 4000 songs. It may not have as much space as the Ipod, but at least it holds 3500 more songs than my other MP3.

I was pretty much sad on my birthday. I didn't do much of anything. Later on that night I went online to look for something to make me laugh, and I found it. I went to one of my favorite websites I went and found this hilarious flash animation and song that just doesn't make any sense. I like things like that, but not in my movies though. It's called Crabs, and if you want to see it, make sure you have the Adobe flash player (formerly Macromedia). If you don't have it you can get it here. Also, if you don't have a fast internet connection, it will take a long time to see it. I personally think it's worth the wait though. It cheered me up on my birthday. I was cracking up when I saw it! I must warn you that Newgrounds has some questionable content on there site, however it's not a lot. If you want to see it elsewhere you can see it here at Weebls Stuff. Just don't drink or eat anything while watching this. Especially Crabs!


Charles said...

Yeah after the last spin cycle :P

Ari said...

Hey, at least it's clean!


Chelle said...

So, how many quarters does it take to get to the middle of the SUDSIE pop....

::slaps knee::

I just slay me! :oD

Charles said...

Not quite Ari, there is a slightly faded black stain where the birdie got me.

1, 2, washer unbalanced...I guess 2 Chelle.