I just realized something!
I am soooo obsessed with Amel Larrieux's singing it's not funny.
She is attractive, sooooo attractive, but it's not what I am attracted to.
It's her writing ability.
It's her singing ability.
Hearing her words make me feel like I have "Infinite Possibilities".
He's got infinite possibilities
I can see them now
It's the unbroken chains of his
past by which he's bound
he's got infinite possibilities
I can feel them now
If he chooses well, then nothing
can tear him down
I love how she hits the high note.
I love the way she says oooooooooohhhhhhh!
I had to make a correction on the previous post.
Apparently Bravebird came out in 2003.
I thought it came out in 2004, which was why I put it in the 1 year category.
Her album still feels that NEW to me.
I can Get to Congo, just by listening to her song.
Dancing all of the way There.
I can't dance, but that won't stop me from trying.
Sometimes "all I got" to do is put in her album and the weight of the world is lifted off of my shoulders.

Got this place I call my home
But it's no, Taj Mahal
Got these pockets they ain't full grown
But I won't steal from no one
Got this heart well it's been broke
But it's still beating Strong
Got this song it ain't much
But it helps me carry on
You're attracted to her mind. Heheh, the mind is a beautiful thing indeed.
You have it bad bro. It's all good!
She has sexy lips. Don't you just want to suck on them? I Love TAJ! OH BABY!
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